Buchpräsentation und Diskussion mit der Gruppe „political stencil“ (in Englisch, Flüsterübersetzung auf Deutsch möglich)
Montag, 10. August, 19 Uhr

Alte Feuerwache Köln, Großes Forum, Melchiorstr. 3

Freier Eintritt – Spenden erwünscht
COVID-19: Bitte Masken mitbringen und vor Ort in die Liste eintragen

Eine Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit https://wirlernenreisend.wordpress.com/ und dem Griechland Solidaritäts Komitee Köln http://gskk.org/ sowie der Unterstützung von https://www.contraste.org/

Flyer (englisch)

Political streetart from Greece

Book presentation and discussion with political stencil crew
in english, Flüsterübersetzung auf Deutsch möglich Monday, 10th august 2020 at 19 o`clock
At Alte Feuerwache Köln, Großes Forum, Melchiorstraße 3, 50670 Köln Free entry – appeal for donations
Covid-19: Please bring your face mask and enter your dates on a list on the spot

The Political Stencil crew is a political graffiti coalition of people from Greece since 2014. Their focal subjects are commenting on political and social issues of the everyday life in Greece, and globally.
They ‘ve taken their name due to spraying small stencils during small or large scale demos in Athens, in order to help the spread of the political message. From 2017 they’ve upgraded their scale, by creating big scale graffities. They ‘re the first crew in Greece which rents mechanic elevator in order to accomplish big scale artwork, illegally.

They ‘ve taken part in tens of demos, political interventions, festivals and mounted stencil workshops in Greece and abroad. Lately, they ‘ve collected money for trial expenses, as 2 comrades of the antifascist movement have been accused for assaulting members and premises of the Golden Dawn political party. They’ve also collected food and essential products for families and individuals throughout the carantine period.
In September of 2019 they ‘ve published their 5-year activities book. It’s an 144 pages, colourful, illustrated book with pictures of their work and texts from various individuals, collectivities and unions. The proposal to have income from their book was to fund gas, colour expences and basic equipment. Therefore, due to the last year’s extremistic assault of the government to the progressive parts of society, the need of collecting money for trial expences is more than essential. Poverty generated by covid-’s 19 pandemic is also another factor for the destitution of the majority of population the following year! The book price is at 10€, so as some t-shirts they’ll bring, https://www.politicalstencil.com/.
They ‘re also aiming to meet new people, develop social networks and make new friends, as an antidote to the global depression. Discussions about their work are more than welcome, irregardless of the good or bad comments.

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