Fight the dirty conditions everywhere

Lasst uns die Arbeiter*innen von Vio.Me unterstützen, indem wir ihre Produkte kaufen, die dann direkt nach Moria geschickt werden, um sie den Geflüchteten zur Verfügung zu stellen. So können wir einerseits den Geflüchteten in Moria bei der Corona- Prävention helfen und andererseits den Arbeiter*innen von Vio.Me helfen, eine autarke Stromversorgung ihrer Fabrik als Grundlage ihres Fortbestehens zu realisieren.“

Dies schrieb BEYOND EUROPE im April und begann damit eine ebenfalls sehr erfolgreiche Spendenkampagne. Fight the dirty conditions everywhere! – Support the self-managed Vio.Me factory in Thessaloniki and the refugees in Moria!

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Statement der Vio.Me-Kolleg*innen vom 22. April:

„More than 1.500 soap bars and liquid soaps will be distributed to the refugees and their families who are crammed up, living at the detention centers in the village of Moria in Mytilene, Lesbos. These people are called to survive in conditions that none of us can ever imagine and solidarity is their strength to achieve that.

We call on the people to support the Beyond Europe Solidarity Campaign, which unites struggles for a better life. It’s the least we could all do to improve the living conditions of the people in Moria, who have been condemned by the war, the profits of capitalism and the lifeless governments, who clearly do not care for the people. The struggle that we, the workers at Viome Coop, give every day, is on the same side. We refuse to leave the factory and we continue to work and guard it, because VIOME will not close for two cables, but it will remain because society demands it.“ ( 22. April 2020)

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